Nail the Red Seal Carpenter Test 2024 – Build Your Dream Career!

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How is an exterior door installed where the floor is not level?

Insure that the frame is square and install it out of plumb so that the threshold maintains full contact with the floor.

Shim threshold at Γö¼Γò¥ points to insure the frame is plumb, caulk gap and insulate where possible.

Shim the low side of the jamb to level and plumb frame and fill gap with expanding foam insulation.

The correct answer is C. Shim the low side of the jamb and fill any remaining gaps with expanding foam insulation. This option ensures that the door frame is both level and plumb, creating a secure and stable installation. Option A may result in an uneven door threshold, which can lead to difficulties with opening and closing the door. Option B may not fully level the frame, leaving gaps that may affect the door's functionality and energy efficiency. Option D may create a wedge effect between the door frame and threshold, compromising the door's stability.

Cut a continuous shim full width of the door to level and plumb frame, caulk shim to floor and threshold to shim then insulate.


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